Please support artists via any means you like (like Bandcamp, or physical media)
The bare minimum for supporting IMO is listening to their stuff with paid subscriptions(Spotify/Youtube premium for example)I'm not liable for anything you do with this
Eat your veggies and drink water
If something doesn't work or is unclear, Ask an AI, it will probably get you what you want
Just a single song with no fuss
If you just want a song without metadata, you could just use Cobalt It gets the job done
Downloading a playlist/song with metadata
With yt-dlp you can actually download an entire playlist from Youtube Music with most of the important metadata with little to no effort, even square pictures!
- Download yt-dlp.exe
- Put it in a folder of your choice
- Open the folder in a terminal and paste this command, dont forget to replace the LINK_HERE_PLEASE_DONT_FORGET with your shared link from ytm
yt-dlp.exe LINK_HERE_PLEASE_DONT_FORGET --format bestaudio[ext=m4a] --embed-thumbnail --parse-metadata '%(album_artist,channel,creator,artist|Unknown)s:%(album_artist)s' --add-metadata --write-playlist-metafiles --break-on-existing --no-playlist --postprocessor-args "-vf crop=\'if(gt(ih,iw),iw,ih)':'if(gt(iw,ih),ih,iw)\'" -o "%(artist)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s"
- Press enter, and you will (maybe) have soon all of your music
Weird stuff
Downloading issues
If a playlist isnt downloading correctly, please select every element manually(select the first element and shift click the last) and make a new playlist from selection, sometimes video ids change and youtube music can handle that but not yt-dlp, this fixes the ids
trying to figure this out has caused many headaches for me
Ipod nano 1 stuttering issue
If an old ipod you have is having issues playing back music, you can reformat everything in .mp3 to fix it this is mostly only for me because i bashed my head against a wall so many times trying to figure out what was happening
here is the .bat i use to do so, be careful on large folders as it processes everything at once
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /R "INPUT_FOLDER" ~nF"
start ffmpeg -i "%%F" -ab 320k "OUTPUT_FOLDER\!filename!.mp3"